
your cat is speaking  AMAZING Dear cat parent, Most cats are smarter than human babies. MUCH smarter. And as a loving parent of a four legged child, I bet you already knew that, didn’t you? My name is Jonas Jurgella, animal researcher. Along with my PhD in Animal Studies, I have 14 years researching these incredible animals in a clinical setting next to their caregivers. I’ve talked to hundreds of cat owners across the country, and heard incredible stories ranging from humorous to tear-jerking.  In our research circle, we like to compare cats to a higher level human being. We often say cats have a brain about as developed as an adolescent teenager. This explains their wide range of emotions, for example. Which brings me to the topic I’d like to address with you today, the one question I get from cat owners more than anything else Do our cats think abo My team and I have taken this question quite seriously. People care about their cats as much as their chil
dog brain training Dog Agility Training - Getting Started As canine proprietors we frequently center, as it should be, on keeping our pooches physically fit. What we at times overlook is that psychological incitement can be similarly as significant. Canine nimbleness preparing is a superb methods by which to give your pooch both mental and physical incitement simultaneously.  There are some essential principles around hound deftness preparing that a proprietor ought to know about before beginning. While it is appropriate for canines everything being equal, there are a few alerts to know about.  More youthful Dogs: Mutts under a year old should shun readiness that includes bounces, as their joints are not yet grown enough to withstand the weights of the hops. They can in any case take an interest in the other preparing segments, for example, passages, and weave shafts and as they develop they can be acquainted with low level bounces.  More youthful mutts do